UNDP Bhutan is employing innovation, building new partnerships, and using its extensive global expertise and technical and financial assistance to work with the Royal Government and people of Bhutan, to reduce inequality, build resilience and empower the disadvantaged, to achieve Gross National Happiness and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP has been supporting the government in its development programmes since 1973, tapping into a global network of nearly 170 country offices, to harness expertise and knowledge. Our mission is to alleviatee poverty, reduce inequality and exclusion, and drive sustainable growth, so people are empowered, and communities become more resilient.
Contact Details
Phone : +975 2 322424
Email : fo.btn@undp.org
Website: https://www.bt.undp.org
Address : United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bhutan
UN House
P O Box 162
Peling Lam, Kawajangsa,Thimphu, Bhutan