National Dairy Research Centre (NDRC), located at Yusipang approximately 14 kms from Thimphu city, is a National Program of the Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan. The Centre is mandated to function as competent centre for coordinating and implementing dairy commodity research and extension programs; support to develop policies, strategies and plans, monitor and report the progress made by dairy research, foster linkages with national and international institutes of repute for exchange of technologies and expertise under the guidance of Department of Livestock.
Contact Details
Phone : +975 17116976 / 17116983
Mobile : +975 17116985
Email : ndrc17@gmail.com
Website: https://www.ndrc.gov.bt/
Address : Post Box No. 1058.,
National Diary Research Center,
Yusipang, Thimphu