In 2015 the idea of coming up with ‘waste management group’ was felt necessary. So on 22nd July, 2015, coinciding with the auspicious 4th day of the 6th month of 2015, the issues, missions and visions were formulated and presented to Kyabje Dorji Chang Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche. Kyabje Rinpoche was pleased by the idea and in return shared us about the monastery and also benefits of cleaning. With heartfelt aspirations the name Kharchui Phyags Dar Tshogs Pa Sgribs Drel Yeshes was received from Kyabje Dorji Chang. This made us feel extremely fortunate, therefore, immediately we came together and began our cleaning after setting basic rules.
Contact Details
Mobile : 17907803
Email : dipdyelyeshi20715@gmail.com
Website: https://dipdyelyeshi.com
Address : Bumthang, Bhutan