The association was formed to provide a much-needed platform for promoting evaluation culture, developing evaluation capacity, and generating demand for evaluation in Bhutan. Evaluation of development activities is crucial for a wholesome progress, hence the need to promote the culture of evaluation and inculcating evaluative thinking. With the establishment of EAB in 2013, EAB joined the Community of Evaluators (CoE) as members, which contributed to more discourses on development evaluation and strengthening the evaluation culture in the country. In 2020 EAB has got an opportunity to extend the network by joining as a member with Asia-Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) and International Organization for Cooperation of Evaluation (IOCE).
Contact Details
Phone : +975 2 330740
Email : info@evalbhutan.org
Website: https://evalbhutan.org/
Address : Clock Tower
Thimphu, 11001