The Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society (CRBS) was formally established as a non-profit on 30 July 2020 on award of its registration certificate (as a Civil Society Organization (CSO). It joins 50 other CSOs to constitute the civil society fraternity of Bhutan. The CRBS focuses on design, conduct and reporting of research on social phenomena – context and issues in Bhutanese society. It will apply theories, knowledge, methodology and experiences from the social sciences such as Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Social Psychology, History, Human Geography, Human Ecology, Media studies among others in its work. The knowledge thus generated will be available for Bhutanese society at large.
Contact Details
Phone : 00975 02 328188
Mobile : 00975 17624568
Email : centresbtnsociety@gmail.com
Website: https://www.druksocialresearch.org/
Address : Apartment 203,
GRED Building, Near FITI, Gyenyen Lam, Thimphu