The Bhutan Medical & Health Council (BMHC) is an autonomous government body that regulates the medical and health professionals and related matters. The BMHC was established in 2002 under the Ministry of Health as per the Bhutan Medical & Health Council Act 2002 passed by the National Assembly of Bhutan on 24th July 2002. The BMHC was later de-linked from the Ministry of Health in January, 2017. The BMHC is a member of the Medical Councils Network of the WHO South-East Asia Region and International Association of Medical Regulatory Authority.
Contact Details
Phone : +975-2-331102
Mobile : +975-2-339159
Email : bmhc@bmhc.gov.bt
Website: http://www.bmhc.gov.bt/
Address : Bhutan Medical and Health Council
Faculty of Traditional Medicine Building Level 4 (Attic)
Kawajangsa, Thimphu
PO Box 1956