Bhutan Kidney Foundation is a Civil Society Organization (CSO) / Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) officially registered under The Civil Society Organizations Authority (CSOA- www.csoa.org.bt). Centrally located in capital Thimphu, the Foundation is functioning as an instrumental support group for the well-being of Bhutanese kidney patients. Currently, due to financial constraint the foundation focuses primarily on public education and awareness on prevention of kidney related diseases in the country. As it matures, we look forward to extending financial support to those kidney patients who have financial difficulties to undergo kidney transplant even though our generous government bears the entire medical cost and some living expenses. Besides, if need be, BKF also provides similar support and services to other organs related patients since there isn’t separate organizations to look after these issues at present.
Contact Details
Phone : 02328654
Mobile : 17555170
Email : info@bkfbhutan.org
Website: www.bkfbhutan.org
Address : Thimphu