It was His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck who formulated the concept of Gross National Happiness, which emphasized the need of happiness as an indicator to determine the progressive growth of a nation and its people. With all the development processes in Bhutan being guided by the GNH philosophy and Health being one of the domains of GNH, providing free healthcare system for all Bhutanese people has become imperative in promoting happiness for all times to come. This reason gave birth to the establishment of the Trust Fund. Bhutan Health Trust Fund (BHTF) plays a pivotal role in realising the goals of GNH especially pertaining to improving health and living standards for the people of Bhutan by providing free Primary Health Care services.
Contact Details
Phone : (+975) -02 - 324632, 338637, 338636
Mobile : (+975) - 77348083
Email : bhtf@bhtf.bt
Website: http://www.bhtf.bt/
Thimphu, Bhutan. PO Box 1200