Bhutan-Country Coordinating Mechanism serves as architecture to ensure country-driven, coordinated and multi-sector processes for leveraging and effecting additional resources to reduce morbidity and mortality from HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. As envisioned, Bhutan CCM is an independent entity that is closely guided by the Global Fund on structure and functions. As a cornerstone of its philosophy, Bhutan CCM brings together multiple stakeholders to collectively identify Bhutan’s needs, ensures the responsibility for developing and submitting grant proposals, nominating grantee(s) or principal recipients and overseeing implementations of Global Fund-supported projects. The Bhutan CCM has been restructured in February 2011, with 20 members from Government, Non-Governmental Organizations, Multi and Bilateral Organizations, Private sectors, Religious/Faith Based Organization, People Living with disease and Key Affected Population
Contact Details
Phone : +975- 2 331751
Email : bhutanccm@gmail.com
Website: http://www.bhutanccm.org/
Address : Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Secretariat
The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDs, Tuberculosis and Malaria
In the Ministry of Health Building
P.O.Box# 726