Bhutan Carbide and Chemicals Ltd
BCCL is the first manufacturing company in the Kingdom of Bhutan to set up a state of the art manufacturing facility to produce Carbide and Ferro of international standards. BCCL, the undisputed leader and pioneer in Carbide in the country, played a key role in shaping Bhutan’s rapid industrial growth. Ranked among Bhutan’s top business houses, BCCL’s innovative and sustainable carbide sector has been well recognized and accepted. The Company continues to strive for custom assignment writers excellence with its strengths, differentiated product mix, state-of-the-art technology, excellence in execution and focus on sustainability. BCCL has recently ventured into producing Ferro Silicon.
Contact Details
Mobile : +975-5-77190048/49/50/51/52
Fax : +975-5-252112,261120
Website: http://www.bhutancarbide.com/
Address : Bhutan Carbide & Chemicals Limited
Post Box No.103,Phuentsholing:Bhutan